BMIM Cash Flow store for advisers
World's simplest tools, easiest processes and best strategies for brokers and accountants
BMIM Cash Flow store for advisers
World's simplest tools, easiest processes and best strategies for brokers and accountants
BMIM Cash Flow store for advisers
World's simplest tools, easiest processes and best strategies for brokers and accountants
Help others see what you see, and gain instant consent
Learn to influence like a true cash flow expert. Create financial stability
Justin Fish
General Manager, Purcell Radio Systems Ltd
"Detailed analysis of what I need to know when reading the accounts. I can now see what areas of the business I need to work on improving."
Justin has been a General Manager of Purcell Radio Systems for a number of years now. And one of the things he brings to the company is creating transparency with the numbers. Decision making is not under his control, so ability to present relevant and accurate numbers is key for effective decision making.
He knows that the company can do better and generate a lot more profit. He knows that there are easy ways to achieve this, but he doesn’t know how to make the decision makers see what he sees. He really wants the company to be more successful, so he came to our Cash Flow and Business Value boost workshop.
During the workshop, he was able to see how our Cash Flow and Business Value Boost tool could solve his headache. He bought the tool with the intention of creating reports for the Board, so they can see where the real gaps are and what needs to change in order to make the company more successful. He really wanted the Board to see what he was seeing without creating conflict and tension. Justin also came to our How to get CEOs to make more money workshop so he could enhance his understanding of how to make most of this tool.
The true cash flow picture with all its gaps and opportunities
Using the report generated by the Cash Flow and Business Value Boost tool Justin was able to demonstrate that the newly introduced service line was being underpriced. This was causing profitability issues for the company on the whole.
He was also able to uncover that if the owners wanted to grow the businesses they need to reduce the amount of dividend they were taking out from the business. The owners were taking more money out of the business than the business was making in profit. Suppliers were financing the business cycle, so it looked like the businesses were making more money than it actually did. This was the main thing distorting the picture and misleading the owners.
There is no easy way to tell a business leader that their decisions are not right. But using numbers and key financial information, presented visually in graphs, helps shift the focus away from the person and on the subject. After all, numbers don’t lie. They let us know where we are going wrong and they help us stay on track.
Justin managed to influence decision making that would help move the company forward and make it more successful. One of the owners realised that prices were too low and he needed to revise the pricing, if he wanted to make the company successful.
The effects of these changes are on their way. The company is already feeling the benefits of these changes and we are confident that they will enjoy the fruits of this in the years to come.
Justin was able to gain consent around the Boardroom almost instantly. No questions asked, no conflict created.
Your influence on
business success
Ready to use the Cash Flow and Business Value Boost tool to identify cash flow improvement opportunities and help your client make more money? The report generated with this tool will uncover the hidden cash flow issues and show you where cash is made most in a business. You can influence decision making in a way that will create success for the business and yourself. And more importantly you can gain instant consent, when you really need it.
Buy the Cash Flow and Business Value Boost tool and start influencing like a true cash flow expert